Bulldog Health Issues
Many people surrender their bulldogs to rescue because they can’t afford a bulldog’s expensive health issues: elongated soft palate surgery; ear and eye issues; skin allergies; joint problems, etc.
Bulldogs live longer than they used to, but sadly, they still don't live long lives. Nevertheless, there's a lot you can do to enhance their quality of life and keep them healthy.
Chance, the little fellow pictured above, had severe skin problems, and the owners who abandoned him did not take care of his paws and nails (as you can see from the close-up of his nails and skin on the right.) Bless his new owner Joanne Hale for her love and rehabilitation!
Bulldogs are prone to allergies and stomach acid problems, so keep "dye-free" Benadryl and some Pepcid AC on hand. Because Bulldogs are brachycephalic, with pushed-in noses and short snouts, they can have breathing problems. Colds and flu viruses are especially hard on them because they snort and snore even when healthy. Bulldogs cannot tolerate heat, so walk them early in the morning or in the evening when it is cooler. Needless to say, these dogs should never be left outside. Be sure to feed them a high-quality, grain-free, dye-free diet. Keep treats to a minimum as they tend to gain weight easily which contributes to joint problems and early arthritis, to which they are also prone.
Try to find a vet who SPECIALIZES in Bulldogs and their particular health issues. Keeping their vaccinations updated, feeding them a superior, additive-free diet, and giving them gentle, daily exercise, will keep them alive and healthy for many years.
Bulldog puppies require a lot of care and vigilance
Helpful Links
The links above are among my favorite sites for Bulldog health issues, information, and fun. I've included the link to head tremors because "head shakes" are becoming more common in Bulldogs. Our rescue dog, Sofia Tassel, also has head tremors, and they can last several minutes. Her head usually bobs up and down, like really fast nodding. What causes them is unknown, but they are not life-threatening. If your dog does experience a head shake or tremor, please reference this link for more information. My thanks to Cathy Kittell for suggesting this link and to Kathy Jacobsen for writing the article.
There are many other wonderful websites out there that provide a wealth of information on dog health. You can get a lot of information and make some new friend. E-mail me at litaee@pacbell.net with some of your other favorites.
“A healthy dog is a happy dog,” says Sofia
Bulldog Rescue Organizations
This is a Partial List of some of the rescue organizations the Bullmina Foundation supports:
Northern California Bulldog Rescue (now 501c3 — donations are tax deductible)
13520 Skyline Blvd., Woodside, CA 94062
PH: 650-851-3386
Mother Lode Bulldog Rescue (Sacramento Area)
421 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 300, Folsom, CA 95630
PH: 916-984-0990 (New Number)
Berkeley East Bay Humane Society
2700 9th Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
PH: 510-845-7735 / www.berkeleyhumane.org
Marin Humane Society
171 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato, CA 94949
PH: 415-883-4621
Petaluma Animal Shelter
840 Hopper Street, Petaluma, CA 94952
PH: 707-778-4396 / www.petalumaanimalshelter.org
Humane Society of Silicon Valley
2530 Lafayette Street, Santa Clara, CA
PH: 408-727-3383
Tri-Cities Animal Shelter (Serving Fremont, Union City, and Newark, California)
1950 Stevenson Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538
PH: 510-790-6640
The San Francisco SPCA
2500 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
PH: 415-554-3000 / www.sfspca.org
The Peninsula Humane Society
12 Airport Blvd., San Mateo, CA 94401
PH: 650-340-7022 / www.peninsulahumanesociety.org
The Oakland SPCA
8323 Baldwin, Oakland, CA 94621
PH: 510-569-0702 / www.eastbayspca.org
Furry Friends Rescue
P.O. Box 7270, Fremont, CA 94537-7270
PH: 510-794-4703 / www.furryfriendsrescue.org
Tony La Russa’s ARF - Animal Rescue Foundation
2890 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
PH: 925-256-1ARF / www.arf.net
And across the country: The Los Angeles SPCA, The ASPCA-New York and Chicago English Bulldog Rescue
Buddies Thru Bullies (Florida)
Lone Star Bulldog Rescue (Texas)
Heaven Sent Bulldog Rescue (New Jersey)
Mid Atlantic Bulldog Rescue (also New Jersey)
PH: 732-556-6142