Bullmina's Special Dogs and Readers Comments
We want to hear from you!
Years ago, one of our young readers, Lisa Wong, from Newark, California, gave a class presentation on Bullmina the Courageous Bulldog, and she also made an adorable paper mache Funston (Bullmina's younger brother). I gave Lisa an A+ back then. In 2010 Lisa attended our 2010 Book Launch party and she brought her Little Funston, too. It was nice of her to bring her Little Funston to the party so I could autograph him for her.
Glorianne Wong, daughter Lisa Wong, and Little Funston
Special Friends
Buggy, our featured dog, fostered by Elaine Garcia
This adorable little girl was found abandoned in a tree stump in Northern California, covered in mud. Mary Aiken and Elaine Garcia (from NorCal Bulldog Rescue) called her "Mud Bug," which quickly became "Buggy." Buggy is a dwarf Bulldog, weighing in at less than 35 pounds. Most of her body was covered with mange, and foster mother Elaine had to put her in baby T-shirts to protect her skin as it healed. As you can see, most of Buggy's red hair has grown back in. Because of bad breeding and malnutrition, Buggy's little legs are quite bowed, but she still gets around pretty well. She can't go for long walks, so she has to ride in a doggy carriage. Darling Buggy was THE STAR at Northern California Division III Bulldog Specialty rescue parade in Concord, California in September, 2010, and she finally has a permanent home with a loving family, the Hollerans, and lots of Bulldog playmates. The Bullmina Foundation thanks all of the wonderful foster families out there who have taken in these very special dogs. Sadly, Bulldogs are abandoned to rescue on a weekly basis. Visit http://www.norcalbulldogrescue.org/ to foster or rescue a Bulldog.
Beloved, loyal companion, you were always there through every mundane task, through every crisis, big and small, through every one of my emotional meltdowns, there with your gentle reassurance and your meditative snores on a balmy summer evening as the sun dipped below the horizon. How can I ever repay your steadfast loyalty, your forgiving grace and constant vigilance? Oh, that we could be so much more like you, noble one.
In Memoriam
The late Norman and his buddy, Clyde, owned by Amy Adney
In July of 2007, Amy Adney of Southern California lost her beloved Norman (pictured on the right) to lymphoma. He was only three years old. He fought a brave battle, lasting weeks longer than the doctors predicted thanks to acupuncture, herbs and a raw food diet. He frolics with the angels now. We only get to share our lives with our Bulldogs for a very brief time. Be sure to lavish your furry companions with lots of love and affection.
Dave Mageau and Tank, sharing a "high five”
From "a walking disaster," to the pride of the Marines, Dave Mageau's Tank was quite a dog. Dave's Tank is one of the "rescue stories" featured in the back section of Bullmina the Courageous Bulldog to the Rescue. Tank went from an emaciated 20 pounds to a healthy robust 65 pounds in Dave's care. They were best freinds for several years, but sadly, Tank succumbed to cancer in April of 2009 during the final editing of the sequel. We salute you up in Heaven, Tank.
E-mail your special dog stories and pictures to either litaee@pacbell.net. Stories may be edited for length.